Who will my next opponent be?

Who will my next opponent be?


I sit here in my small studio in Brisbane Australia, having just got off the phone with none other than Engin Terzi. The man behind the East Vs West promotion. The promotion which has taken the world by storm and set itself as the benchmark for doing the heavy lifting of elite armwrestling. So, what did we talk about? Well, lets just say, Khaled Jashell in February at KOTT6 isn't my next match.

Although facing Khaled may well be the most in demand and watched match I will have ever had, I can reassure that my next opponent is going to be my most significant ever. 

In my head it is all but done and dusted and the name itself will soon be released. But you know how it is; details, contracts, etc etc, I guess they need to be followed.

But lets just say, its a match that has me truly excited. Its a match that achieves three major things I look for. Firstly, it is an opportunity for growth. This opponent is more experienced than I am, has way higher reputation than I do and has achieved far bigger things on the table in their career. Secondly it is a match that markets really well. This person is a killer, with a reputation of being a badass on and off the table, this match WILL get hot. And finally, its a match that no matter the outcome, builds wonderfully well into the KOTT6 supermatch against Khaled Jashell.

So, for now, i'll leave it a little mysterious. No Engin is going to get grilled over who it might be (please don't grill him too hard) lol. But let me know who you think it is.....the answer when revealed will no doubt do what I always hope it does....cause controversy.

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